Conceived in the latter half of 2012, this project began as a plan to create a new multi-use space within the Rhiannon Community. The premise was to create an ecologically sound and sustainable building which would offer a large hall space and new living, games and treatment areas. The plan was to attract previous volunteers to return and take part in the project as well as bringing new faces to the team.
A design was under way as tentative emails went out at the end of 2012 to test the potential response. But, as with all things Rhiannon, once conceived, progress was inevitable and regardless of the numbers of potential volunteer workers the design and planning marched on.
So to September 2013. The end of the dry, windy season and all eyes on the skies and the promise of rain. A group of four gathered with Rhiannon’s owners (the project’s creators) and began working through the planning processes necessary before construction could begin.
The purpose of the project was primarily threefold as follows:
The design aimed to bring new concepts and ideas as well as tying in and flowing with the existing infrastructure. As well as the spaces already mentioned, the designed included new storage space and a bedroom available for visiting tutors and course leaders.
The timescale for the project was estimated at somewhere between nine months and a year, although we are not constrained by this and remain flexible due to the nature of volunteer movement. We are a team compromised not of architects or engineers but a group with an eclectic mix of skills and life experiences. We are inspired by the universal accessibility of the earthbag building process and are keen to demonstrate the potential of this building medium as accessible to all.
This blog is our attempt to document the progression of the Multi Purpose Hall. Our aim is to publish regular updates of our progress and provide access to our ongoing learning and the development of ideas during the project. Our hope is that we can provide inspiration to existing and future projects around the globe.
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